11 Months and Cousin Alex!

Jason is doing great at 11 months. He’s working up to walking by standing unaided and walking/launching himself towards people and furniture. He likes to wave “hello” and “bye-bye”, says “Mama” and “Dada” and understands a lot more words than he can speak.

On March 15, Jason reached the 11-month mark and got a new cousin, Alexander Joseph. We all came up to Ohio to be here for the birth and Alex is definitely worth it…a real cutie. Jason is fascinated by him, and was very worried whenever Alex cried, adding his own whimpers and reaching out to Alex to “help.” He’s looking forward to lots of future visits when they can play together.

Jason’s also enjoying time with his Grandma and his Uncle Tommy. He did great on the trip up, especially given that it’s a whopping nine hours by car. We continue to be impressed with how well-behaved and sweet-natured he is.

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